What to expect

The material that is contained in this section of the website will consist of links to relevant articles in the current literature, reviews of articles that are of particular interest and more in depth summaries of the publications that I believe will have enduring value to those who provide clinical services to individual with ID/DD.

The source for these articles will be the journals that I subscribe to through my professional affiliations which include: Journal of the American Medical Association, New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Psychiatric Association, Psychiatric Services, the Archives of General Psychiatry, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Science, and the Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities. The table of contents for the Lancet and the British Journal of Psychiatry are also reviewed on a monthly basis to provide access to the British Literature. The other source of publications will be the Journal Review Services that I subscribe to which include Journal Watch Psychiatry which is published by the Massachusetts Medical Society and the Journal Alert service offered by Elsevier Publishing which provides email notification and a link for every article in their large family of scientific journals which contain the keywords “Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities”. The American Psychiatric Association also provides a daily briefing which provides a review of relevant articles that appear in both scientific journals and the general press.

As noted above the content of this section will consist of a listing of the titles of publications that may be of interest to the reader as well as a link to the abstract of the article. The citation for selected articles will also also contain a brief summary of the methods and findings followed by the name of the reviewer. I will also provide a commentary for some of these articles which will discuss the clinical significance of the results based on my clinical experience.

The format for the topic reviews will follow one of two formats. The briefer reviews will list of the citations for the articles that were reviewed in preparation of the summary with links to the abstracts. This list will be followed by a summary of the content of the articles as well as a commentary on the their clinical significance. The longer form topic reviews will be structured in a format similar to a traditional published review article with a narrative summary followed by the cited references. Each review will be dated and the author(s) will be identified.

This website is being launched in early 2013 and thus it is anticipated that there will not be a significant amount of content until the middle of this year. The goal is to initially produce approximately 10 carefully selected reviews per month.